A Prayer for Peace

Dear Heavenly Father

We submit ourselves to Your sovereign rule over our lives, overall. We declare that even in the dark times, even when death draws near, Your mercy is always available to comfort us and grant us peace.

Your Word declares that You are the God of peace, the Prince of Peace, the Lord of love and peace, the God who gives peace, the God through whom Your Son, Jesus, bridged the gap between mankind and Yourself so that we could be at peace with You and thus be able to make peace with others. And for this, we praise You!

For we know that this is the peace that You provided by sparing, not Your Son in order to save us. Truly You are the God of peace because, in Christ, You make peace between Yourself and us.

We know that many well-meaning people are seeking world peace, but as recipients of Your peace, we know that this will not be possible until all the world is at peace with You. We know that the only way to bring about lasting peace between people and nations is to proclaim the gospel, and as this happens, Your elect will repent and believe in Your Son, Jesus, and once at peace with You, the God of peace, they will begin to seek peace where they are.

So, our prayer is that you would empower us to pray daily for peace and preach the gospel so as to be instruments of Your peace. This is our prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

E. Joshua Sims is the Pastor-Teacher at Renewed Life Church, in Long Beach, CA.

E. Joshua Sims is a dynamic leader and a man of God. He graduated from Biola University and has a strong commitment to expository preaching and teaching. His chief aim is to glorify God in all that he does. He gives earnest preparation and devotion to studying, preaching, and teaching God’s word. He has preached on the Sea of Galilee, in the Upper Room and on Mars Hills. Oh, did I mention he was my pastor while I lived in California he was my pastor!