By: Desirae Holdaway

The Majesty of the Moon

Suspended in the sky ‘or head 

I look at you and wonder how you float effortlessly among the clouds. 

Making gravity a laughable offense. 

Suddenly I envy your freedom and independence from the wiles of this world. You are beyond what is and above us all. Your majesty beckons me to think and dream of what I do not know

As you hover majestically among the clouds. 

Refine Me

Pockets of pain left hidden

Once discovered I inflict on others

The process though painful as it may seem, will leave a lasting legacy

I am destined for eternity 

Yet living in a world of fragility 

My dreams seemingly too big for me

My faith hinging on what I cannot see

But the master of the universe isn’t finished yet

I must lay hold and stand firm in His promises. 

Though circumstances may say that I am wasting away, I must stay

Jesus, You love the whole of me

Even the dirty parts you see

My impurities you wash clean 

With a love that is intoxicating

You will never leave me

This truth is both comforting and unsettling

I push you away, tell you to come back another day

Yet you are relentless in your pursuit of me

Always able to break through to me

If only I would learn to trust you

To live fully alive in your love

Knowing full well whose I am, and who I belong to

Who are my mothers? 

Who are my brothers? 

They are the ones standing right next to me

I must love them the same way you love me

Teach me to see

Again to see the fullness of your love, let your Spirit surround me

By Desirae Holdaway

Desirae is a regular contributor to And He Restoreth My Soul and you can find other poetry by her on this site. Thank you Desirae for your encouraging words.