Hope for the Hopeless – A Prayer

Dear Lord, I am your humble servant standing in need of hope. There are times when I feel unable, there are times when I feel faint. I pray for hope. I need your light, Lord, in every way. Please fill me with your light from head to toe. To bask in your glory. To know that all is right in the world, as you have planned, and as you want it to be. Help me to walk in your light and to live my life in faith and hope today.

Help me to hear you saying, “I Am your hope” over all the other misleading voices. Lord, your Word says, you are the hope for the hopeless, so, I’m running to you with both hands stretched out and clutching to you. Fill me up with hope and give me a tangible reminder today that hope is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline according to your Word. Lord, you know those things in my heart that I barely dare to hope for, so today I give them to you, I entrust them to you and ask that you—because I know that you can do more than I could ever guess, imagine or request in my wildest dreams—to fill me with your confidence that I may walk confidently in hope, in your strength. You are my hope, and I trust you in the name of your Son, who is our only hope, period. Amen.

E. Joshua Sims, Pastor/Teacher

E. Joshua Sims is a dynamic leader and a man of God. He graduated from Biola University and is strongly committed to expository preaching and teaching. His chief aim is to glorify God in all that he does. He gives earnest preparation and devotion to studying, preaching, and teaching God’s word. He has preached on the Sea of Galilee, in the Upper Room, and on Mars Hills. He currently pastors Renewed Life Church, which is located in Long Beach, CA.

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